Ranking Every 2022 Movie (I saw)

My Favorite movies of 2022! (and all the rest) Well... This feels a bit anticlimactic to me. After all the lists I put together I'm basically slapping every 2022 film I saw last year on a list and saying here you go. After all the lists I made, with fancy pictures that took forever that... Continue Reading →

Prey (2022) review

This is prime example of how to take a franchise around since the 80s and make it fresh, giving fans of the franchise what they want and also breathing fresh air into it. While they’re completely different films, it’s reminiscent of what Ridley Scott attempted to do with Prometheus; but better. I love Prometheus, but... Continue Reading →

The Book of Boba Fett review… So far

Who else is watching #TheBookOfBobaFett?This show has some great stuff in it for Star Wars nerds like myself, but it's often... Really bad.There was potential here for this show to be a Game of Thrones level epic, God knows Disney has the money, but instead, it often borders on cheesy, and I find myself making... Continue Reading →

Tremors: Shrieker Island Review

Director Don Michael Paul has made a career out of B-movies and sequels most people won't ever see (Jarhead 2, Kindergarten cop 2). He also Directed the last two in the Tremors franchise, Tremors 5: Bloodlines and Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell, the latter being the worst in the franchise and making its way... Continue Reading →

The Brothers List 10th episode Q & A / A Fish Called Wanda/ Hamilton / Palm Springs

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-5ue6c-e497cb On the 10th Episode, the Brothers are answering multiple questions about  movies and TV, Mitch gets riled up, and Clayton discusses the TV he has been watching.  They also have a featured review of the 1988 classic film 'A Fish Called Wanda', as well as discussions about movies like Hamilton, Palm Springs, and Groundhog... Continue Reading →

The Brothers’ List: Scoob! and Top 5 Animated Movie Dissapointments / Like Crazy / Donnie Darko / Normal People

https://www.podbean.com/media/share/pb-mb6jy-de0f23 In Episode 7, the Brothers Mitch and Clayton, uncover the mystery that is Scoob! The new 2020 Scooby Doo reboot is discussed, will the brothers like it? listen to find out. They also dive into the most animated movie disappointments, going over an extensive list of the moments in animation history that let them... Continue Reading →

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